Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's Next?

jour·ney [jur-nee]

1. a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip: a six-day journey across the desert.
2. a distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling: a desert journey.
3. a period of travel: a week's journey.
4. passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success.

When I realized how long it had been since I made a blog post my first thought was "Oh well, it doesn't matter, we're not missionaries anymore. No one really cares about what's going on with our lives. And to be quite honest, our lives aren't that exciting right now anyway" But then, as I really thought about the fact that I haven't written in two months...I was really kind of upset at myself. I mean really...all of life is a journey, not just a few years...that's just a small part of it. Our journey hasn't stopped just because we're back in the United States and not under the title of "missionaries" anymore.

So I write today about what? About the next journey? About life as it is right now? About how God is working and moving in our family? About all of that?

I think that being back for two months now I can truly say...I'm glad I'm home! The first couple weeks were a bit overwhelming and emotional. We were around people all the time (which was good) we were excited to be back, yet missing the DR and our friends there. Then, it hit...the NOW WHAT? What do we do with ourselves? What does life and routine look like here in Centreville, in this house? How do we balance family with Hans's work, and getting involved with church, or do we even get involved?

Here's what life looks like...

Hans is working for his uncle building houses. Their business is located about 30 minutes from where our house is at, but he could be driving in numerous different directions at any time to be working. So, at first it made for long days...for both of us. Leaving before the kids wake up and getting home at dinnertime was a VERY big adjustment for all of us. We've learned to embrace the time we have with him in the evening.

I'm at home with all three kids right now. The boys will start kindergarten and second grade at the beginning of September at the public school here in Centreville. We're (mostly me) :) looking forward to getting them into school and getting a routine down for all of us.

We're attending our old church which is about 15 minutes from where we live. We're a little hesitant to get too involved right now as it's just a little much for our "Dominican mindset" of relaxing and siestas and having a lot of time together as a family. We know that when the time is right God will clearly show us our next step/direction in getting involved with the church.

Thank you for your love, your prayers, your kind words, your encouragement, and your support. We are grateful for the people that God has placed in our lives to help us continue OUR JOURNEY here in the states.

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